Dream wedding

I thought that it'd be nice to start this blog out with what mine and Josh's dream wedding is... because why the heck not, right?!

We're pretty casual, I mean, most of our dates are spent at the movies or in our PJ's playing video games. Josh is studying and working, and things at Bookworm Boutique are getting pretty busy so whenever we get the chance to hang out without distractions, we do.

Initially we thought we wanted the big white wedding, the one that every little girl dreams of. Huge dress, seated meal, a magical first dance, delicately placing cake into each other's mouths. But as it turns out... we don't want that so much.

What we actually want is a lot of friends and family, cricket and outside games, shoving cake into faces, and food trucks.

For a lot of venues we could only manage to have 50-60 guests, but when we looked at who we wanted around on our big day it kind of got to more 100-130 people, and why should we compromise on that?

Who knows if the wedding we want is actually achievable, we hope that it is, but we may have to make a few changes here and there.

I'm not saying that the big traditional wedding isn't beautiful, because it is, and I hope that I get to attend a few, but for us and who we are as a couple, this relaxed BBQ wedding is the one for us.

1 comment

  1. Seems to be an excellent wedding and this reminded me of my cousin’s wedding which was arranged at one of grand San Francisco venues. Invited all my family and friends for this event and we all enjoyed this party very much.
